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Which iRobot Vacuum Cleaner to Buy in Japan?

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If this is you, you need to free up some time. To this end, iRobot vacuum cleaners can lend a hand. 

iRobot cleaners first showed up at the beginning of the millennium with the promise to put “handheld vacuum cleaners away” and since then, they have evolved constantly and up to the point of actual utility. 

While most models on the market still need some manual aid to fully function, they come complete with sophisticated scanners, sensors, and hubs that can save you over a thousand hours of repetitive cleaning every year. 

Although cleaning services are widely available in Japan, the expense and added variability of having a stranger in your personal space is enough incentive to look at and consider iRobot Roomba cleaner instead. 

Because time is money, you can spend the time saved on a vacation or travel to one of Japan’s sacred islands. Whatever you do, iRobot cleaners will be there for you!

The section will guide you through the process of choosing an iRobot cleaner and provide you with all the information you need to make a great choice depending on your particular situation. 

Robot Vacuum Cleaners In Japan: A Quick Look

iRobot Roomba 650:

iRobot Roomba 650

Height: 9.1 cm
Weight: 3.5kg
Battery: Lithium-ion 
Cliff Detection: Active
Texture Coverage: Multiple

iRobot Brave jet m6:

iRobot Brave jet m6

Height: 8.9 cm
Weight : 2.1 kg
Water Capacity: 480ml
Wi-Fi: Active
Alexa Integration: Active

Roborock S5 Robot:

Roborock S5 Robot

Weight: 3.18kg 
Height: 9.7cm
Wi-Fi: Active 
App integration: Active
Alexa Integration: Active
Mapping Navigation: Active

Panasonic MC-RSC10-W Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Panasonic MC-RSC10-W

Weight: 2kg
Height: 9.1 cm
Battery: Lithium-ion 
Battery life: 3 hours
Dust-box: 0.15L

Roomba S955860 iRobot:

Roomba S955860

Weight: 4kg (plus battery)
Height: 9.1 cm
Battery: Lithium-ion 
Mapping Navigation: Active
App integration: Active
Wi-Fi: Active
Time-range: 2 hours

Robot Vacuum Cleaners In Japan: More Details

iRobot Roomba 650:

If you’re an expat creative in Japan, the iRobot Roomba 650 is a great bargain buy for you. 

At this point, you’re probably spending long hours at work, getting take-out from the place right next to your home and just trying to cope with the never-ending flurry of activities you have to cope with as you adjust. 

To put it mildly, your life is a bit messy at the moment, and so is your room. You can stop reading if this is not the case but if it is, you’ll be happy to know that the iRobot roomba cleaner was built just for you. 

– Pre-schedule cleaning sessions

Firstly, the iRobot roomba frees up a nice slice of time because you can pre-schedule cleaning 7 days in advance and go about your craft knowing that it’ll keep your space sparkling. 

– Three stage cleaning process

In addition, it comes with a three-stage cleaning system that agitates, brushes and suctions your floor to look just like new. Also, because it’s just 9.1 cm tall, it can fit under tables, chairs and in all the crevices that need a clean wipe every single day. 

How many surfaces can the iRobot roomba clean?

Just about all of them. Or atleast all that you’ll be using. Because all your cleaning needs were fully considered in the design and engineering process, the roomba can clean on carpet, tiles, hardwood, laminate and just about every dry surface imaginable. 

– Incredible cliff detection for home with stairs

If you live with other people or have to use stairs, have no fear. This incredible piece comes complete with sensors that help with cliff detection so that you’ll never have to pick it up in pieces. 

If you’re looking for creative-tailored, and automated cleaning at a moderate price, the iRobot roomba is the one for you. 

iRobot Brave jet m6:

If you’re a mom, and you’ve just moved to Japan, iRobot brave jet is exactly what you need. 

– The ultimate assistant

You’re probably trying to figure out how to adapt to the new culture, stay productive at work and help your children. 

You need to free up time not just because your children need you but because you should at the very least enjoy this new adventure and see Japan. The iRobot brave jet has helped thousands of mothers to reconnect with their loved ones and themselves and it can help you too. 

– Tough on Stains

With the iRobot brave jet, messes simply do not stick around. While many models come with a single dust cleaner, this incredible piece of art comes complete with a Jet Spray that helps with greasy stains.  

– Integrates with Alexa and Google home

Also, because you’ll have to get tons done on the go, the iRobot Brave jet has full Wi-Fi integrations with Alexa as well as Google Home and so with nothing but a voice prompt, you’ll get a dry, clean kitchen. 

– Goes where you want it to

In addition, if you have a small child, you can program your device to adhere to keep out zones that let you streamline the cleaning to high-dirt areas like play spaces, your kitchen and the living area. 

– Child friendly

This way, your baby stays safe and you get on the go cleaning exactly where you need it. The iRobot also has a mapping system which defines predictable cleaning routes all across the breadth of your home space. 

– Flexible in small spaces

Also, at 8.8 cm of height and 2.1kg of weight, this machine can reach just about every crevice you want cleaned and do a fantastic job too. This iRobot brave jet also has 480 ml of water capacity so regular water swaps are not a thing. 

If you’re a mom, that has to work and take care of a family all at once the iRobot brave jet cleaner can help to improve your life in every single facet. 

Roborock S5 Robot:

If what you’re on the market for is a robot cleaner that seamlessly combines aesthetic beauty with efficient usability, the Roborock S5 cleaner is your muse. 

– Beautiful Circular shape

The Roborock S5 comes in a nicely cut, pure circle and weighs only 3.18kg. If you ever have to travel, this cleaner robot will pack like a gem. Also, because of its slight frame, you can be sure that it won’t double as a hazard if you live with children.

While you’re in Japan, you’ve probably caught the bug of Japanese culture of persistent and incessant work and so what you need is a machine that frees you up to enjoy your time here as much as possible. 

At 9.7 cm in height, the Roborock gets work done wherever it happens to be. Small openings, holes, underneath the kitchen sink – with this cleaner, and it’s amazing suction and laser-enabled navigation, you can be sure that every angle of your home will literally sparkle. 

– Wi-Fi, App and Alexa integrations

Also, it comes complete with a Wi-Fi system which makes voice prompt commands through Alexa integration possible. 

Once it ships, words are all you need. It also has an app from which you can regulate its path through your home and streamline its work-flow to those places that need to be clean at all times. It also has a scheduling feature so you don’t need to go back to it for days at a time. 

In addition to an already impressive array of features, this black swan is built to provide a perfect complement with your stools, chairs and the overall framework of your home so that it never looks out of place. 

If you want a cleaner that looks good and gets the job done as well, this is the one for you. 

Panasonic MC-RSC10-W Robotic Vacuum Cleaner:

If you’re on the road a lot and are looking for a modestly priced, cleaner with high power metrics, that’ll keep your space fresh on your travels, the Panasonic MC-RSC10-W will bring a smile to your face. 

You’re probably still neck deep in the process of getting adapted to Japan, there’s tons of tasks on your mind and even more to complete. To this end, the Panasonic MC-RSC10-W is built to help you get through unscathed. 

– Packs easily

At 2kg of net weight, the Panasonic MC-RSC10-W packs beautifully. It also does a fantastic job of getting things all cleaned up as its 3.6 inch height helps with its navigation in tight spaces. 

– High quality battery, Great range

Also, it comes with a lithium-ion battery which gives you three hours of range on a single charge which usually serves just right on the road. Once it ships, you get a 0.15L dust box which is more than adequate for all your cleaning needs.

What about hotel service cleaners?

Well, if you’re all okay with having strangers in your temporary living space, then that’s okay. On the other hand, you probably want the safety and security of having an easy to pack, efficient cleaner on the road as it’ll keep things fresh and clean on all your adventures.

A clean room is usually a great way to start your day, even when you’re on the road. The Panasonic MC-RSC10-W cleaner ensures that everything stays clean, even when you’re travelling. 

Roomba S955860 iRobot:

If what you want is quality, if you want full coverage and the sense of permanent surety about all things cleaning, the Roomba S955860 iRobot is what you want. 

Optimal Efficiency

For many people, the lower cost cleaners do a fantastic job but, as with all things, only a few machines can deliver optimal efficiency on just about every metric conceivable and the iRobot Roomba S955860 on that list as a “different grade of iRobot cleaner”. 

– Edge detection and spatial mapping

The Roomba iRobot comes complete with a built in edge design system that ensures that it can map your home and create a pretty reasonable schema which makes its otherwise automated resolution process fairly predictable to you. 

– Powerful suction tubes

At 4kg of net weight, one of the key parts of this machine is in its suction as it has the ability to lift debris as it continually adapts itself to your home. 

Even more mind-blowing is that it is built to self-dispose all the trash it collects so that from start to finish, the cleaning process is one which is completely delegated to the Roomba iRobot. This way, you get more time to live, love and enjoy Japan in every way imaginable. 

– Keep out Zones for convenience and ease

In addition, the Roomba is one of the few models on the market that uses “keep out zones” to further specify cleaning routes and provide complete access to you at the push of a button or with voice commands to your Alexa or google home device. 

While words do a decent job of expressing value, you’ll get a more vivid picture of how well the roomba will serve once it ships. Finally, if it’s pure quality you’re looking for, then this is it. Go no further. Click, buy and enjoy!

Which Robot Vacuum do I Recommend?

Well, it depends. 

– Own a lot of living space?

If you own 1000sq feet (or more) of  living space in the centre of Tokyo or any of the other big cities then you might want to stay away from the iRobot Roomba 650. While it does as well as any other model on the market on its core function of cleaning, it’s a mid-range, low budget option and delivers better performances in small rooms so up and coming creatives will find it invaluable. 

– Do you travel a lot?

If you’re on the road a lot, then you probably want to be more circumspect about the iRobot Brave as it comes with a water load section which does great at home and also packs well. If you think you’ll be on the field quite a bit and get dirty quite a bit, you can pack it along but you probably want to look at the Panasonic MC-RSC10 before you make a decision. 

If you care deeply about shapes, natural beauty and perfect complement, then look away from the Panasonic MC-RSC10-W. While it does just about everything well, it isn’t a looker. You might want to consider the Roborock S5 cleaner as it comes in a beautiful shape that’ll complement your furniture better. 

For New Moms and Dads

If you’re a mom, then the Roborock S5 is a no go. While it’s a looker and will make everyone drool in envy, it comes with a fairly small dust-collection box. This means that you might want to consider the iRobot brave jet M6 or the Roomba S95580 as they come with advanced mapping, cutting edge suction and keep out zoning so that you can streamline cleaning and prevent child hazards at the same time. 

– Best Option for you?

If for some reason, I fit into all these categories at once, I would buy the Roomba S955860 as it delivers just about everything, optimally. Advanced navigation, cliff sensors, spatial mapping and voice activated controls and most impressively, automated dirt discharge. 

Whatever you do, it’ll be instructive to base your purchase decision on the specifics of your circumstance and whatever your choice, you’ll save at least a thousand hours a year for travel, play, and enjoyment. That’s a great deal!


What is the most important thing to consider when buying an iRobot (Automated Vacuum Cleaner)?

What should I look out for?

If you’re looking to buy a robot vacuum that’ll help free up time for you to engage in other areas of interest, it needs to clean floors well. 

While this might seem like a moot point, there are faux models on the market or those that don’t deliver nearly enough for how much they cost. 

Generally speaking, reading the review sections of e-commerce pages such as amazon should provide you with a basic understanding of how well they perform in the real world if you find the technical lingo a bit too much to deal with. 

Again on this point, the whole point of automating the cleaning process is to ensure that you can take long breaks from routine cleaning exercises at a time without any repercussions and so spending some time on this will save you a lot of stress in the future. 

How much should I spend?

What you should spend on anything should depend first on why you need it in the first place. While there are high end models on the market that come complete with many advanced features, there are also budget robot vacuum cleaners on the market too. 

If you live in a relatively small condo or hostel with a few friends, the less pricier versions might do the trick but if you live in a fairly large space with children and a lot of domestic tasks, you probably need an automated cleaner that can learn and adapt to your environment and those all cost more generally. 

While you can adapt low cost machines to high-wear use and vice-versa with some manual intervention, the fully automated experience usually relies on a perfect fit of room-size and iRobot cleaner. 

How much does a robot vacuum cost on an average?

You can get a low-cost robot vacuum for about ¥32,000 ($300) and the higher end ones can cost as much as ¥160,000 ($1500) depending on shipping and other market costs.

While you’re making a decision about this, it might be worthwhile to take some time to determine what your life is like before you send a digital payment. Variables such as; the presence of children, space in your home, how much you have to work and what your income is are all really important aspects to consider. 

While the value of time you’ll save everyday will be tough to quantify over multiple years, generally, the more you pay, the more value you’re likely to get as manufacturers generally fit the more expensive models with higher quality components. 

Whatever your budget is, there’s surely a robot vacuum for you. 


If you’ve just moved to Japan, you’re probably a little swarmed by how different things are here. You’re probably also excited for how many adventures you’ll have in this beautiful country. 

I know what you’re thinking.

You have to work, pay taxes and learn enough Japanese to get by without annoying locals all the time. A robot vacuum can free up valuable time for you, and all the while keeping your home completely clean.

In the sections above, you’ll find five of the best robot vacuum cleaners in Japan and whatever your station is in life, there’s definitely one for you. 

In my opinion, the Roomba S955860 is the best robot vacuum in the world. It’s beautiful, comes with the latest technology and is an extremely rugged machine. If you can afford it, you should definitely buy it.

Whatever you do, it is important to collect as much information as you can about your choice from this website and others like it. This is because small differences in design and engineering between the models can have a meaningful effect on your experience. 

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