On the afternoon of the twenty second, the tenth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters stated {that a} Chinese coral fishing boat was working with out permission from Japan in Japan’s unique financial zone off the coast of the Tokara Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture. arrested the captain of
According to the tenth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, after 1:00 pm on the twenty second, a patrol plane discovered a Chinese coral fishing boat off the west coast of Gaja Island within the Tokara Islands.
The fishing boats have been navigating Japan’s unique financial zone, and three patrol boats headed to the scene after being contacted by an plane and confirmed that they have been fishing for corals with nets within the sea. It implies that
A coast guard officer on the patrol boat boarded the fishing boat to ask it to cease, and round 4:40 pm, the Chinese captain Hu Jinlong (58) was arrested on the spot on suspicion of fishing with out permission. backside.
The Japan Coast Guard has not clarified its approval or disapproval, citing an impediment to the investigation.
A overseas vessel working with out permission in Japan’s unique financial zone was arrested in Kagoshima Prefecture three years in the past in January, when the Fisheries Agency appointed the captain of a South Korean fishing boat off the coast of Takarajima within the Tokara Islands. Ever since I obtained arrested.
At this time, the captain was launched as a result of the South Korean facet promised to pay collateral, which is equal to bail cash for prison circumstances.