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Where to buy the best standing desks in Japan?

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If you live in Japan, you probably noticed that locals spend a tremendous amount of time at work. If you work and live in Japan, a standing desk is a health-enhancing choice.

According to research conducted by the Australian research institute, people who spend more than 11 hours sitting every day are 40% more likely to die than those who spend about 4 hours and less in a sitting posture. 

Standing desks allow you to engage in productive work while retaining the vitality and energy of being on your feet.  Also, working on your feet can increase focus and reduce the probability of passivity when you’re working on a difficult problem. 

Although standing desks function primarily at work, you can also use them for recreation if you have to balance a big screen close to your face for a movie or a gaming session. 

Standing desks are a fantastic tool for productivity, well being, and leisure, and to this end, the section below is a guide to some of the best standing desks in Japan.

5 Best Standing desks in Japan: A Quick look

SJZ-03 ACCURTEK standing desk

SJZ-03 ACCURTEK standing desk

Width: 31 inches
Type: Gas lifting type
Maximum load capacity: 15kg
Lifting width: 39.5cm
Height: 4 - 19.8 inches
Depth: 15.7 inches

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Fitueyes SD108001MB standing desk

Fitueyes SD108001MB standing desk

Width: 30.9 x 20.5 inches
Type: Gas lifting type
Maximum load capacity: 10kg
Height: 2.2 - 16.1 inches
Depth: 20.5 inches

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Elevating tabletop standing desk

Elevating tabletop standing desk

Width: 25.9 x 18.5 inches
Type: Spring type
Maximum load capacity: 8kg
Height: 1.5 - 15.7 inches
Depth: 18.5 inches

Rating: 5 out of 5.

TechOrbits Rise-X standing desk

TechOrbits Rise-X standing desk

Width: 33.3 x 17.7 inches
Type: Gas springs
Material: Steel plate
Maximum load capacity: 15kg
Height: 5.7 - 21.8 inches
Depth: 17.7 inches

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Flexispot Electric Standing Desk

Office desk foldable standing desk

Size: 47.2 x 23.6 inches
Adjustment range: 360°
Material: Aluminium alloy
Maximum load capacity: 70kg

Rating: 5 out of 5.

5 Best Standing desks in Japan: More Details

SJZ-03 ACCURTEK standing desk

SJZ-03 ACCURTEK standing desk

If you’re in technology or media production, you probably need to balance a few screens at a time for work. If this is you, go no further. The SJZ – 03 Accurtek height adjustable desk is the one for you. 

Great surface space

While the SJZ – 03 height adjustable desk comes with great surface space at 31 inches of width, it also comes with an easily adjustable height lever which is propelled by a gas spring. 

Ergonomic comfort for mobile users

This function is invaluable if you expect to switch from standing to seating positions from one moment to the next. Although standing desks are great for focus and productivity, they also work pretty well in many health conditions which constant sitting can exacerbate. 

Great for postural health

The Accurtek is particularly great for your postural health since it comes with 15kg of maximum load capacity which means you never have to worry about switching from one table to another since you can have all your tools at hand. 

This height adjustable desk also comes complete with a keyboard tray that can hold 2kg of weight and is well adapted to your ergonomic comfort and works pretty well whether you’re standing or sitting. 

While this desk is great for work, it’s also well adapted to gaming, video content consumption and, any other form of recreation that includes screening. 

If you’re in IT or media production and, need a height adjustable desk that’ll increase your productivity while addressing your health, the Accurtek SJZ – 03 is the one for you.

Fitueyes SD108001MB standing desk

Fitueyes SD108001MB standing desk

If you’re looking for an height adjustable desk that’ll deliver durability and a long life cycle as a first principle, you should buy the fitueyes SD108001MB right now!

Although models such as the SJZ – 03 come with great width if you expect to fit tons of objects on the table, the fitueyes comes with a slightly different proposition. 

Certified to function for 10,000 hours or more

With the fitueyes, what you get is a gas lifting type height adjustable desk which has been put through load and long-life tests and is certified functional for at least 10,000 hours after the date of purchase. 

Also, with the Fitueyes, you get the fantastic balance as it comes complete with a triangular construction that provides great balance and rounded edges that protect you from injury. 

This means that once it ships, you can be assured that what you’ve got is a lifer. 

Powerful vertical range

In addition to this, the Fitueyes comes with a vertical range of about 16.1 inches which means that whether you’re sitting, standing, or posed unconventionally, it’s built to deliver the same level of quality to you. 

If you’re on the road most of the time, this height adjustable desk also packs pretty well as it can be folded into a compact shape for storage when necessary. 

Useful at home

Also, other than its many useful functions for work, this table can be adapted to serve as a Japanese low table if you’re entertaining colleagues from work or just want to revel in the beautiful customs of Japanese life. 

If you’re in the market for a height adjustable desk that is durable, compact, and useful in contexts other than work, the Fitueyes SD108001MB is the one for you. 

Elevating tabletop standing desk

Elevating tabletop standing desk

If you’re looking for a standing desk that’s designed specifically for your ergonomic comfort and well being, it’s pretty difficult to beat the elevating tabletop height adjustable desk is pretty hard to beat. 

Comes with a spring type system for flexible use

Although other models such as the SJZ – 03 and Fitueyes do great with compactness, durability, and adaptiveness, this tabletop comes with a spring type system and a proprietary frame which is fashioned like an hour-glass for a rare combination of sturdy balance and ergonomic flexibility.  

With this standing desk, you can choose to stand, sit, squat, or lie if you’re so inclined as you get four stages of adjustment depending on your body shape. It goes all the way to ensure that you get exactly what you need to get your creative juices flowing. 

Beautiful top plate for work

Also, you get a great melamine top plate to work on which is durable to the extent of near indestructibility and elegant to look at. This way, you get a height adjustable desk that helps you get stuff done and complements your natural beauty all at once. 

This height adjustable desk gives you about 8kg of maximum load capacity and is great if you do not plan to leave tons of objects lying around on it. 

If what you want is a compelling combination of durability, aesthetic sophistication, and ergonomic adaptiveness, you should buy the elevating tabletop height adjustable desk as soon as possible. 

TechOrbits Rise-X standing desk

TechOrbits Rise-X standing desk

If you’ve spent tons of time searching for a standing desk that gives you immense vertical range, fantastic width, and the aesthetic of subtle opulence, then your search ends here. 

While other models on this list come with ergonomy, durability, and dynamic utility, the TechOrbits Rise-X height adjustable desk provides all that as well as an air of confidence which is hard to shake and difficult to match by others on the market. 

Super wide surface

The Rise-X height adjustable desk comes complete with 33.3 inches of width and 15kg of maximum load capacity which gives you tons of space for all your tools and enough tensile strength to handle heavier items without any issues. 

Also, with this standing desk, you get gas springs which give you an incredible 21.8 inches of vertical range which makes it ideal regardless of your height. Also, with this standing desk, you get a steel plate that is durable and great to look at. 

Great multi-use case design

Although this height adjustable desk will work wonders for you at work, it’s also likely to deliver a great deal of value at home if you want a standing desk that comes with the design and engineering chops to serve as a great home office if you so desire. 

If you’re looking for a beautiful, dynamic standing desk that comes with the full range of both width and height adjustment, then it’s tough to find any better than the TechOrbits Rise-X standing desk

Flexispot Electric Standing Desk

Office desk foldable standing desk

If you’re looking for ease of use, mobility and a compact design that’s sturdy, and an adequate extension of your desk, it’s hard to beat the Office desk foldable standing desk

While other models on this list just about double the width of this height adjustable desk at 17 inches, once you’ve bought it, you get other attributes that can be extremely useful depending on what you’re on the market for. 

Mobile like no other

For one, this height adjustable desk is extremely mobile. Unlike the TechOrbits X-Rise which is beautiful and offers great range, with this, you can take it from your home to work and back without any friction at a dimension of only 17 x 10 inches. 

Aluminium alloy frame for strength and durability

Although the office desk foldable is small and mobile, it’s also insanely strong and durable as it comes in an aluminium alloy frame and about 15kg of maximum load capacity and works well even if you intend to work with items that have more weight than a screen.  

In addition to an already impressive array of features, while this height adjustable desk is pretty useful at work, it also works pretty great at home if you’re one to treat yourself to a movie before you go to sleep every day. 

This foldable desk can also be incredibly useful if you’re ill and need to eat in bed as it suspends pretty well with a vertical range of about 21.8 inches. 

The Office desk foldable standing desk is great for you if what you need is a mobile, compact height adjustable desk which is also highly durable and strong. 


What is the most important thing to consider when buying a standing desk?

What type should I buy?

In buying a height adjustable desk, you should take stock of your height as that’ll have a direct impact on utility. If you’re in the 6 ft. range, and are looking to spend quite a bit of time standing, it might be more reasonable to buy a standing desk that comes with a vertical range (height adjustable range) in the 30’s. 

Another key consideration here is the height of the surface where you’ll spend most of your time. Spending some time with a measuring tape might save you endless emails and calls to a customer service agent later. 

Also, you need to consider the depth available on your standing desk as more depth ensures that you get a fair bit of space to spread out your tools and rid yourself of any feelings of constriction while you’re at work. 

When you’re all covered, it’s important to make considerations about those with whom you intend to share your workspace. You want to avoid a standing desk that sticks out uncomfortably or makes a ton of noise. 

Can a standing desk affect my health in any measurable way?

Studies conducted have shown that standing desks can help to normalize your postural health, blood pressure, blood flow, and also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease while you’re at it. 

Also, standing desks can help to make you a lot more productive by ensuring better circulation and preventing passivity while you’re at work since you’re less likely to drift off when you’re on your feet. 

Most people in Japan spend around 8 hours a day at work on a regular workday. When you combine that with the over 80 hours of overtime that many companies require in Japan, sitting while you’re at work can become extremely dangerous for your health.

How much does a standing desk cost on average?

The standing desks on this list can cost anywhere from ¥6000 ($60) to ¥60,000 ($600) depending on when and where you decide to buy. For the most part, whatever your budget is, there’s probably a standing desk for you. 

The thing to know is that with standing desks as with just about any other product you will find, the more you pay, the more quality you’re likely to get for your money. 

On the other hand, many models on the market over-deliver on specific features and so, spending some time to figure out the feature differences between the models can be a great way to save money while ensuring that you get the best experience possible. 


If you’re in Japan for work, then you need a standing desk.

Not only does it help with productivity and focus at work, but it can also serve as an important tool for the maintenance of your health and wellbeing over the long run.

While most models are likely to deliver a great experience, you should spend some time learning about how each model excels as that’ll guide your eventual purchase. 

Although the more expensive models guarantee more quality, the specific use case should be a metric that has more priority. Once there’s a perfect fit between your use and the functionality of the standing desk, your experience will most probably be joyful and exhilarating. 

While most of the models on this list are great for work, they’re also pretty awesome for home use if you’re so inclined. 

Whatever you decide, it’s important to collect as much information as you can from this website and others like it as you’re likely to enjoy a more enjoyable experience that way. 

5 Best Electric fan brands in Japan: If you’re new to Japan, you should know that summers in the country can be sweltering. To this end, an electric fan should be one of your first purchases once you arrive. 

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