HomeLatestNTT planning launch of super-fast communication network

NTT planning launch of super-fast communication network

TOKYO, Nov 16 (NHK) –
NTT says it will soon launch a communications network capable of handling huge volumes of data at very high speeds while using less electricity.

The next-generation network is called IOWN, which stands for “Innovative Optical and Wireless Network.” It’s slated to go into limited practical use in Japan from March next year.

NTT President and CEO Shimada Akira unveiled the plan to the media.

The initial phase in March will see a dedicated line service that will slash end-to-end latency to one 200ths of the current rate.
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Nov 16 (ANNnewsCH) –  NTTは大容量で低遅延の次世代の通信技術を来年3月から一部で実用化すると発表しました。
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