HomeNationalTEPCO decides to elevate Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear energy plant “operation prohibition order” Nuclear...

TEPCO decides to elevate Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear energy plant “operation prohibition order” Nuclear Regulation Authority | NHK

On the twenty seventh, the Nuclear Regulation Authority introduced that the TEPCO Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture, which had been ordered to successfully prohibit its operation because of a sequence of anti-terrorism points, is predicted to make autonomous enhancements. After confirming that this was the case, we determined to elevate the order.
The order has been lifted for the primary time in two years and eight months, and procedures for restarting the nuclear energy plant owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company, which prompted the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy plant accident, will probably be resumed. This was the primary time {that a} energy firm working a nuclear energy plant was ordered to ban its operation.

