HomeLatestSpotlighting Differences Across Districts: Maiko Perform Rehearsals for Kyoto's Gion Festival

Spotlighting Differences Across Districts: Maiko Perform Rehearsals for Kyoto’s Gion Festival

KYOTO, Jun 30 (News On Japan) –
A last rehearsal referred to as “Souzarae” was held to verify the efficiency high quality of geisha and maiko forward of a particular occasion by Kyoto’s 5 geisha districts.

The joint efficiency by Kyoto’s 5 hanamachi, titled “Miyako no Nigiwai,” started as a commemoration of the 1200th anniversary of the Heian capital relocation. About 70 geiko and maiko collect to current performances distinctive to every hanamachi.

The “Souzarae” rehearsal is for the performances scheduled from June 29. The spotlight, “Maiko no Nigiwai,” featured 20 maiko in vibrant kimonos, every showcasing dances from their respective colleges.

Maiko Makisako of Gion Kobu commented, “Each of the five hanamachi has different schools and even slight variations in Kyoto kouta, so I hope you will pay attention to these differences.”

“Miyako no Nigiwai” might be held on June 29 and 30 at Minami-za Theatre in Kyoto.


