HomeLatestDeer runs amok in downtown Sapporo

Deer runs amok in downtown Sapporo

SAPPORO, Jul 22 (News On Japan) –
A wild deer has induced a commotion in downtown Sapporo the place the animal evaded the seize of authorities and escaped right into a residential space.

Police acquired a report of a deer sighting in Nakajima Park shortly after 6 a.m. on Thursday, and have been dispatched to the world the place they noticed what seemed to be a feminine deer rampaging via an city space.

The deer evaded the seize of metropolis authorities and managed to flee right into a residential space.

Around 11:30 a.m., metropolis officers and police efficiently tranquilized the deer utilizing a blowgun and eliminated the animal.

Fortunately, there have been no experiences of accidents to any people.

Jul 22 (ANNnewsCH) – 市街地にシカが出没し、警察が出動する事態となりました。  …proceed studying

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