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Compensation order for elimination of bullying Man’s criticism dismissed Sapporo High Court | NHK

Four years in the past, two males and a girl have been compelled to maneuver away from one another by the police after heckled then-Prime Minister Abe’s speech on the road in Sapporo. ordered the street to compensate, as within the first trial, saying, “The police officer’s act of excluding the feminine plaintiff doesn’t meet the necessities of the regulation and is illegitimate.” On the opposite hand, for the male plaintiff, the primary trial judgment that ordered compensation was canceled and the judgment was dismissed.

In the ruling of the second trial on the twenty second, Chief Judge Yuko Otake of the Sapporo High Court commented on the act of the police officer excluding the feminine plaintiff, saying, “In addition to encircling and transferring the feminine plaintiff, and detaining him from going to the viewers space, he continued for a very long time. What has haunted me for a very long time is that it doesn’t meet the necessities of the Police Duties Execution Act and is illegitimate.”

After that, it was acknowledged that “the plaintiff’s freedom of expression and right of honor were violated and she suffered mental anguish,” and ordered Michi to pay compensation of 550,000 yen, as within the first trial.

