Japanese meals information to a really low cost izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
The wonderful factor about this izakaya is you can have all you possibly can eat and all you possibly can drink for $16.55.
It could be very cheap however has a big number of drinks and meals.
You will certainly discover what you need to eat as there are a number of Japanese dishes like sashimi, karaage, and seafood bowls.
Not many different all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink eating places are this low cost!
Sumo: July champ Ichinojo rejoins elite in new rankings
Kyodo – Aug 29
First-time champion Ichinojo was rewarded for his July triumph Monday by incomes re-promotion to komusubi within the Japan Sumo Association’s rating printed forward of the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament from Sept. 11 at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan.
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