HomeLatestA standard ceremony to banish evil and pray for success, generally known...

A standard ceremony to banish evil and pray for success, generally known as the ‘Bamboo Cutting Ceremony,’ was held on June 20 at Kurama Temple in Kyoto’s Sakyo Ward. During the occasion, males dressed as warrior monks struck down inexperienced bamboo, symbolizing a large serpent, with mountain swords.

KYOTO, Jun 21 (News On Japan) –
A standard ceremony to banish evil and pray for success, generally known as the ‘Bamboo Cutting Ceremony,’ was held on June 20 at Kurama Temple in Kyoto’s Sakyo Ward. During the occasion, males dressed as warrior monks struck down inexperienced bamboo, symbolizing a large serpent, with mountain swords.

The ceremony started with the sound of a conch shell, signaling the beginning of the ritual. Eight males, divided into pairs, took turns chopping down roughly 5-meter-long inexperienced bamboo with their swords. The males, dressed as warrior monks, had been divided into two teams: the “Omi Group” and the “Tanba Group.” According to custom, the group that cuts the bamboo quicker is believed to convey a bountiful harvest to their area.

This historic observe, held yearly, attracts many guests who come to witness the distinctive and vibrant occasion at Kurama Temple.

Source: Kyodo

