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Video of Mr. Wishma who died on the immigration facility Bereaved household lawyer launched | NHK


In a trial wherein the bereaved household of a Sri Lankan lady who died at an immigration facility in Nagoya City is looking for compensation from the federal government, the bereaved household’s legal professionals submitted as proof a photograph of the detained lady’s deteriorating bodily situation. Some of the footage was launched to the media.

On March 6, 2018, Wishma Sandamali (then 33), a Sri Lankan who was detained at a facility of the Nagoya Immigration Bureau, handed away complaining of poor bodily situation.

The bereaved household has filed a lawsuit looking for compensation from the federal government on the Nagoya District Court, saying that they didn’t present mandatory medical care, and the federal government has requested that the lawsuit be dismissed, saying that the response was not unlawful.

The bereaved household’s legal professionals have launched to the press about 5 minutes of the roughly 5 hours of footage that the state has submitted as proof of Mr. Wishma’s detention.

