An 81-year-old man drove his automobile right into a koban (police field) in Yachimata, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday, injuring two officers.
According to police, the incident occurred at round 11 a.m., Kyodo News reported. Police quoted the driving force, who was not injured, as saying he mistakenly pressed the accelerator as an alternative of the brake as he pulled into the parking area beside the koban. His automobile crashed by the facet wall of the koban.
The two officers have been taken to hospital after sustaining minor accidents.
The two officers have been taken to hospital after sustaining minor accidents.
Jun 24 (ANNnewsCH) – 千葉県八街市の交番に車が突っ込み、警察官2人がけがをしました。2人とも命に別状はないということです。 …proceed studying
Feminists destroy ladies’s rights?
Japanese Comedian Meshida – Jun 16
In brief, feminists assume they’ve stopped the commodification of intercourse however they’re really selling the commodification of intercourse.
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