HomeNationalTheir Majesties the Emperor and Empress First Foreign Goodwill Visit after Enthronement...

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress First Foreign Goodwill Visit after Enthronement Adjusted in Indonesia | NHK


Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress are planning to make an official go to to Indonesia in late June as their first goodwill go to to a overseas nation after their accession to the throne, in line with interviews with officers. .

Indonesia serves because the chair nation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and in line with officers, the Emperor and Empress will make an official go to, because the friendship and cooperation between Japan and ASEAN celebrated their fiftieth anniversary this yr. It implies that changes are being made within the route.

Around the top of June, Their Majesties will go to Jakarta, the capital, as state friends, and are planning to attend a welcome ceremony and a banquet hosted by the president and his spouse.

Their Majesties visited the United Kingdom final September to attend the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth, however this would be the first time for them to go to a overseas nation for worldwide goodwill since their accession to the throne.

