The Japan Restoration Party has determined to area Kenichi Kawamura, the eldest son of former Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura, who served as a member of the House of Representatives for a few years within the Liberal Democratic Party, in Tokyo’s sixth district within the subsequent House of Representatives election.
On the nineteenth, the Japan Restoration Party determined two new candidates to run for the following House of Representatives election.
Of these, the sixth ward of Tokyo determined to help Kenichi Kawamura, a visiting affiliate professor at Yamaguchi University.
Mr. Kawamura is 47 years outdated.
He is the eldest son of former Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura of the Liberal Democratic Party, who retired from politics two years in the past.
And on the 18th, I submitted a withdrawal discover to the Liberal Democratic Party and it was accepted.
At a press convention, Secretary-General Fujita stated, “He is the son of a former big-name member of the Liberal Democratic Party, and he also worked at the Prime Minister’s official residence, and has a wealth of political experience. I’m happy that someone will come out, even if it’s from another party.”
Takao Ochi of the Liberal Democratic Party and Takayuki Ochiai of the Constitutional Democratic Party are additionally planning to run in Tokyo’s sixth district of the House of Representatives.