HomeLatestNorth Korea fires suspected ICBM, warns U.S. against 'dangerous' choices

North Korea fires suspected ICBM, warns U.S. against ‘dangerous’ choices

North Korea fired multiple missiles on Thursday, including a possible failed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), prompting the United States and South Korea to extend air drills that have drawn Pyongyang’s ire.

Despite an initial government warning that the apparent ICBM had flown over Japan, triggering warning alarms for some residents, Tokyo later said that was incorrect.

The launches came a day after the North fired a daily record 23 missiles, including one that landed off the coast of South Korea for the first time, and drew swift condemnation from Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo.

Since Monday, South Korea and the United States have been conducting one of the largest air exercises ever, with hundreds of South Korean and U.S. warplanes, including F-35 fighters, staging around-the-clock simulated missions.

After Thursday’s ICBM launch, the allies agreed to extend the drills past Friday, when they had been scheduled to end, South Korea’s Air Force said in a statement.
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