HomeLatestGet able to zip 1740 meters throughout Japan's islands

Get able to zip 1740 meters throughout Japan’s islands

TOKYO, Jul 27 (News On Japan) –
An bold plan to construct a 1740-meter zipline [flying fox] over the Kanmon Straits between Honshu and Kyushu islands took a step nearer to actuality this week with the mayors of two cities establishing a challenge group.

On Tuesday, the mayors of Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, launched a challenge group for the Kanmon Strait Mega Zip Line which, if accomplished, would slide about 130 meters above the ocean at a most pace of 110 kilometers per hour for 90 seconds.

Jul 27 (日テレNEWS) – ワイヤロープを滑り降りるアクティビティー「ジップライン」。今、本州と九州の間を横断する「関門海峡メガジップライン」の計画が進められています。その距離は1740メートル!  …proceed studying

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