HomeLatestFormer breeder arrested for animal abuse

Former breeder arrested for animal abuse

TOKYO, Aug 09 (News On Japan) –
A 74-year-old lady in Fukuoka Prefecture’s Kurume City has been arrested on suspicion of abusing 34 canine and cats, protecting them in cages piled with excrement.

The arrested lady had been protecting canine and cats in cages, which have been visibly soiled and lined in feces.

According to the police, the suspect was arrested for violating animal welfare legal guidelines. She is accused of protecting 5 canine and 29 cats in cages crammed with excrement in May of this yr.

During police questioning, the lady admitted to the allegations, explaining that her urinary tract irritation and again ache precipitated her to neglect cleansing up the mess.

Additionally, she is suspected of promoting 5 cats to an area pet store with out correct registration.

The former breeder reportedly continued to promote cats even after her registration was revoked, incomes roughly 4 million yen by promoting about 50 cats.

Aug 09 (日テレNEWS) – 福岡県久留米市で、排せつ物が積み重なったケージで犬と猫合わせて34匹を飼育して虐待した疑いで、74歳の女が逮捕されました。  …proceed studying

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