HomeLatestChina slams Canada for unlawful intrusion

China slams Canada for unlawful intrusion

Ottawa despatched a patrol aircraft to ‘fire up bother? over the East China Sea, Beijing claims

China has accused Canada of breaching its airspace following a detailed encounter between a Canadian surveillance craft and People’s Liberation Army fighter jets earlier this week, calling the incident an “illegal intrusion.”

Asked concerning the episode throughout a Tuesday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning stated a Canadian CP-140 Aurora spy aircraft had flown into Chinese territory over the island of Chiwei Yu someday prior, slamming the transfer as a “provocative act.”

“What happened was that the Canadian side has sent warplanes halfway around the world to stir up trouble and make provocations at China’s doorsteps,” she stated. “The Chinese side responded to the situation in accordance with laws and regulations. The Canadian side should respect the facts and stop spreading disinformation.”

Canadian media retailers have been the primary to report the run-in on Monday, with Global News stating that Chinese fighter jets had intercepted the CP-140 over sea lanes within the East China Sea throughout a sanctions-enforcement mission towards North Korea. A Global News crew was on board the Canadian aircraft on the time of the incident, and the outlet later stated a Chinese jet got here inside simply 5 meters of the Aurora.

Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair condemned the Chinese navy for “dangerous and reckless” maneuvers late on Monday evening, including “those types of behaviors are not ever acceptable and we will express that to the People’s Republic of China in the most appropriate way.”

While Canada’s Major General Iain Huddleston informed reporters that the surveillance aircraft was “solidly in international airspace” throughout its patrol, the Chinese spokeswoman rejected that declare. Instead, she stated it had flown over the disputed Diaoyu Islands, that are individually claimed by Beijing, Tokyo and Taipei.

Mao went on to notice that Canadian navy plane have carried out frequent “close-in reconnaissance” towards China in recent times, including that such missions are sometimes performed underneath the pretext of United Nations resolutions associated to North Korea.

“What needs to be stressed is that UN Security Council resolutions have never mandated any country to deploy forces and conduct surveillance operations in the airspace or waters under other countries’ jurisdiction,” she stated. “China is firmly opposed to any country jeopardizing our national sovereignty and security in the name of implementing resolutions.”


