HomeNationalSota Fujii Seven Crowns Title Defense Champion or ``Throne Battle'' third Station...

Sota Fujii Seven Crowns Title Defense Champion or “Throne Battle” third Station Starts | NHK

One of the eight main titles of shogi, the “Throne Battle”, the third recreation of the seventh recreation, began in Otaru City, Hokkaido, and Sota Fujii Seven Crowns (21) will make a examine for the third title protection this yr, or the challenger Daichi Sasaki seventh Dan (28) might be listening to whether or not he’ll return one victory.

In the third station of the seventh match of the “Throne Match”, a recreation room was arrange at a lodge in Otaru, Hokkaido, and the challenger Sasaki seventh Dan entered the room first, adopted by Fujii seventh crown sitting in entrance of the board.

The recreation began at 9:00 am, and when the primary participant, Fujii Nanakan, took a sip of tea and hit the step forward of the rook, the second participant, Sasaki Nanadan, additionally moved his steps in response.

In the seventh recreation of the “Throne Battle”, the primary to win 4 wins wins the title, and Fujii 7 crowns have gained each the first and 2nd stations.

The two competed for the title within the fifth match of the “Kisei Battle” held over the month, and Fujii Nanako efficiently defended with 3 wins and 1 loss.

It is predicted that the victory or defeat of the third station might be selected the twenty sixth, whether or not Fujii Nanaku, who will win the throne match for the fourth time in a row, wins and defends the title for the third time this yr, or Sasaki seventh Dan, who’s aiming to win the title for the primary time, returns one win.

