HomeLatestSecurity Guard Injured During University of Tokyo Protest

Security Guard Injured During University of Tokyo Protest

TOKYO, Jun 27 (News On Japan) –
A protest towards tuition hikes on the University of Tokyo on June 21, led to police intervention, sparking criticism from college students who accused the college of disregarding their autonomy.

The protest occurred in entrance of Yasuda Auditorium, shortly after the University of Tokyo President Fujii had carried out a web-based session explaining the proposed tuition will increase. Students expressed frustration over the exclusion of their enter within the decision-making course of and issues about restricted academic alternatives, main some to assemble in protest.

The scenario escalated when a college official known as the police, reporting a confrontation between safety guards and college students. This resulted within the arrival of a number of law enforcement officials on campus.

The college introduced on June 22, that college students had entered Yasuda Auditorium, and a safety guard was injured whereas making an attempt to cease them. However, some college students denied witnessing any incident warranting police involvement, questioning the college’s response.

The pupil authorities of the College of Arts and Sciences condemned the college’s determination to contain the police, citing the “University of Tokyo Confirmation Document” from 1969. This settlement, established after a interval of pupil unrest, prohibits the usage of police power to resolve on-campus disputes.

Source: ANN

