HomeLatest2-year-old boy falls to his death from 25th floor of apartment building...

2-year-old boy falls to his death from 25th floor of apartment building in Chiba

CHIBAch, Nov 03 (Japan Today) –
A two-year-old boy fell to his death from the 25th floor of an apartment building in Chiba city on Wednesday.

According to police, a resident of a neighboring building called 119 at around 2:15 p.m. and said a boy was lying on the roof covering the entrance to the 48-story building in Mihama Ward, Kyodo News reported.

The boy was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Police said the boy’s parents were out at the time and he was home alone. They found a camping chair on the balcony and believe the boy climbed up onto the chair and then fell over the railing.

Nov 03 (日テレNEWS) – 2日に千葉県の高層マンションの25階から2歳の男の子が転落死した事故で、バルコニーにキャンプ用のイスがあったことが分かりました。事故当時、自宅には男の子が1人でいたということです。  …continue reading

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